Orfeó Atlàntida
90 years making music
Welcome everyone to this exhibition commemorating the 90 years of the Orfeó Atlântida. The Board of the Orfeó has thought it appropriate to publicly show a summary of the activity of the organization throughout its existence, gathering a large amount of material not previously exposed and of which in many cases the members themselves were unaware of its existence.
For this purpose, a multi-disciplinary team has been formed that includes experts in project management, graphic designers, documentarians and experts on different aspects of the history of the entity. The idea of this team, which has been working for months to make this exhibition possible, has been to build a coherent discourse for the visitor to take a journey from the events of the 'prehistory' of the Orfeó, in a distant 1925 when many of the founding singers were part of the Orfeó de Sants, until today.
Never before had the Orfeó Atlântida dared to carry out a project facing the public like this, but with 90 years on our shoulders we may have become old enough to want to show the neighborhood residents, inside the Headquarters of its district, a brushstroke of all the effort and all the dedication that hundreds and hundreds of people who have lived in the same streets and squares that they have put in to make this project possible, born as a small 'big bang' in the choral world from Barcelona in the 1920s, is still alive and well almost a century after it started.
This exhibition is actually dedicated to them.
You will see their names and their anonymous faces on the panels and in the displays; most of them limited themselves to singing, some for just a few months, others for many years. A few had responsibilities within the Board or in the various sections that have seen the birth of the orfeón: from Socors Mutus to Cinematografia, passing through the dance show or an important theatrical cast.
You will even find those who died as singers, of illness or in the war: the Orpheon was for all of them and for us who have collected the testimony, one of which has not yet been found the cure. And we have already done 90!!